Friday, July 27, 2012

New York City Day 48: Humbling good news

Well, what do I say? Today was, a little bit more than amazing! When I was waiting for the train, I saw Faith Nunley. She works at the HR department at NBC. She's in her second year of graduate school here in New York and she works at NBC! We were talking about our experience at NBC and she was telling me about people that I should meet and keep in contact with. It's funny because the people she was talking about are people that we'v met already. She really wanted me to take advantage of the experience here and she wanted me to stay in contact. No worries Faith, I will!

I went to the Grio afterwards and nobody was there! Literally, 5 people decided not to come in today. It was cool because people seemed to be more relaxed and friendly. It was a pretty quick day actually.  As I was sitting there, Ms. Reid texted me and told me to meet her by the elevator. As I was reading her text, I proceeded to walk to meet her, but she was already behind me, lol. We meet up and she surprises me with a fairly nice gift. I didn't know what to say. I was so humbled. It's funny to me that she did that. I wasn't expecting it at all!

She humbled me today. I'm truly thankful for that. And I was able to spread some good news to the family and friends (well some people, you can't tell everybody your good news for SEVERAL reason).

God was speaking to me all day to day. I mean really. He was revealing so many things to me today. I can't really put into words how amazing that was!

Later on in the day at the Grio, Jonothan left the Grio. Jonothan was an intern and today was his last day. I'm really going to miss him, I must say so. He was funny and he was an extremely valuable intern at the Grio. Him leaving made me realize that next week is our last week. I mean, we all have to leave at some point, that saddens me!!!!! I don't want to leave! I mean today really made me realize that this entire experience is about to be over!

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