Friday, July 20, 2012

New York City Day 41: Bitter Sweet

Today was a sad one. I woke up to the news that a man in Colorado killed 12 people and injured 59 during the 12:00 screening of the Batman Trilogy, "Dark Knight Rises." My heart melted when I heard that. I recall reading some stories where people said they saw people running out of the exits, but ran back in once they saw he was shooting people who were running out of the theater. On person said she saw a young girl get shot in the face and later died. A young man recalls tripping over blood and then over the woman the blood was coming of. He proceeded to tell her to get up so they could leave, but she never responded. I also read a woman say she saw a young girl on the pavement with her eyes bucked open in horror as blood rushed from her body. I mean, it's just tragic.

James Holmes is the 24-year-old who conducted the killings. Whenpolice apprehended him, they claim he said he was the Batman character, "The Joker." It was reported that he graduated college with honors in neuroscience. He didn't really have friends. He told police that there were more weapons hidden away at his home. However, once they got there, they found booby traps and dangerous devices. Like, that's crazy. For him to go that far and do all that to those people is beyond me. Because he was angry about his life, he decided to take the lives of others. It hurts to hear that. Parents brought their children to see a movie and went home alone. No one expected that I'm sure. They weren't hanging around the wrong crowd or in a bad area, someone just committed a senseless act and killed innocent people.

Lauren & I acting silly
On another, less somber note, Alexis gave me a large number of assignments today. All of which I completed thankfully! She had me do a write up on Alicia Keys' new haircut. That was pretty cool. Alexis liked what I wrote and she didn't have to edit it too much. She compliments me a lot on writing complete sentences, lol. Like, she get's really excited about that. She mentioned, however, that people she pay's doesn't even write complete sentences so that's a pretty good quality for me to have. She also mentioned that I have a good eye for photos. She said I could possibly become a photo editor in the future. I never thought about that! I do take photos pretty seriously though. I love when a picture coincides with the story. So I make sure my pictures do that! I can honestly say that today was bitter sweet.

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