Monday, July 23, 2012

New York City Day 44: HR Roundtable

I was EXHAUSTED today. I was up late working on the documentary with Demeshia and I was washing clothes at the same time. Funny story, I left Demeshia's room at around 11:50, emailed Ms. Reid my blog and went to sleep at around 12:05! All while fully aware that my clothes were still in the dryer! I went to bed sooooo sleepy/angry because I knew that at some point, I was going to have to get up to get my clothes. After wrestling with myself (while sleep) for about two hours, I got up at 2:27am and got my clothes! Only to wake up at 6:50am! Lol, I was soooo annoyed and exhausted!

But on a good note, I was randomly selected to attend a HR roundtable at NBC. It was pretty cool. We were able to eat pizza (Yay for the free lunch) and talk about our experience at the internship. It was interesting to hear what the other interns had to say about their internships. I get so frustrated when I become aware of my surroundings because it's usually then where I begin to over analyze thing's and at that point, there's no turning back!

So I'm sitting there and I see3 caucasian girls, one interns for Bravo network and the other for Access Hollywood and the third young lady interns for NBC so she was more so taking notes rather than engaging in conversation. There was a young African American male who sat next to me and he interned for...I honestly don't know who he interned for because he was pretty quiet and didn't say much (which frustrated the H.E double hockey sticks out of me because you're an African American young MAN! You do not have the liberty to NOT say something once you have the floor! How many times must we go through this?!).

Anyway, in listening to the young ladies speak, I became a little jealous. Mainly because they were doing thing's that I wanted to do! One of the young ladies was talking about her taking a picture with Christian Bale (I love him by the way) and she said she's always walking celebrities to different places and making sure they're ok. Another one of the young ladies explained how she pitches stories to other television networks and how the department really values the opinions of the interns. That's amazing!

Don't get me wrong, I think what Alexis has me doing at the Grio has helped me PROFOUNDLY as a student and person. So I'm not at all downplaying what I do there. I mean, I get jealous of Ciara all the time because she's doing, at the Grio, projects and stories that I want to do, so let's be realistic, I'm going to be jealous, lol! But like I told them, I'm thankful that I've been able to see my versatility as a writer. I'm thankful that I have an editors eye and am able to spot a mistake a mile away. On top of that, I'm thankful that I've been able to challenge myself! That's one of the biggest thing's I take away from this internship.

We were asked a question about suggestions for NBC. One of the thing's I suggested was that we have an intern swap day or intern shad won day. I think that'll be pretty awesome. It can be through a random process, or it can be a situation where interns swap internships for a few hours and go to the network or program of their choice! That would be pretty cool, I may start something up like that myself...

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