Wednesday, July 4, 2012

New York City Day 25: Exploring New York!

And that we did! Although, it saddens me to say that I lost a very special friend I prepared to take a picture, it fell from my hands and onto the ground. A piece of my heart went right along with it. I can't explain the anguish I felt at that moment. However, I couldn't sit on it too long, because something bigger than me took place today. I along with a couple other young ladies, went to the 9/11 Memorial.

Fortunately, it wasn't what I was expecting. I expected to tear up a little, but I didn't. What I did notice however, was the fact that the area was so desolate. Once we got off the train, it seems as if the world stood still. There weren't many people there. There was a lot of construction going on. There were very few businesses around every other corner. The area didn't look live
ly at all and not that I expected it to, but I also didn't expect it to be so quiet over 10 years later. Now that made me kind of sad.

As we walked through the streets, I was able to see many flags and signs that read 'Remember (fill in the words).' I had no problem with that. Every corner we turned, I wondered what those people were doing during the incident. I wondered if the smoke reached that area, if the debris touched those grounds and if the impact of those planes crashing those towers was a painful to watch as I'm sure it was to hear. I wondered.

When we arrived to the visitor check in area, we were able to see some of the images taken that day along with some images to preview what's to come of Ground Zero in the future. One thing that struck me, then and now, was how easy it seemed for those terrorist to hi-jack those planes. I mean, given, security probably wasn't as strict back then as they were today, but to be able to sneak all those weapons on the plane like that really concerns me. Not to sound like a conspiracist, but I do believe that our government had something to do that. I refuse to believe otherwise.

Anyhoo, it was just surreal to see the images and hear the audio from the telephone calls that rung out that day. It was an unforgettable experience. We then walked to ground zero. I think the person who created the blueprint for the waterfall is a mere genius. That embodies everything it needs's not too much or too little of an architect (I can't find a better word to describe that awesomeness, lol). To be able to sit amidst those beautiful waterfalls was surreal to tell the truth. I felt fortunate to be able to stand there and witness it. I truly did.

Ok, on a lighter note, we went to the Hudson River to see the fireworks afterwards. I for one, do not consider myself to be a radical American, but I accompanied the trip because I wanted to get a good fill of Times Square again. I wanted to see the lights and the people. And I did...for a cost. I still don't understand the hoopla over fireworks. People were acting crazy! I don't want to get into too many details, but those people were over the top. But again, it's to be expected and aside from all else, I must admit, the fireworks were pretty cool, lol.

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