Monday, July 9, 2012

New York City Day 30: More to learn

Today I was at the Grio. I had to write an original story about a legend in New York, Holcombe Rucker. As I read about the story, it reminded me a lot of a lot about John Thomas. I intern for him in Atlanta with the 411 Brand Knowledge and Entertainment show. I actually wrote an article on John and the 411 Brand and I was fortunate enough to win a 1st place award for best feature article form the Southern Regional Press Institute. Not to put myself out there, but I want to be reminded of this moment when I look back at this blog, lol!

Anhoozer, Alexis and I were reading through my stories from last week. I'm glad we did because I wanted to know how I was doing, but I know I'm barely there and that thing's have been pretty random at the office lately. Alexis is an interesting character. She's VERY particular in the way I should write (not just me, but she's particular in how people need to pay attention to the technicalities of their material and not just write to write).

She sometimes worries if she's too hard on me or if she's telling me too much at once or all this other kind of stuff, but I always have to remind her that I'm fine! Lol, where would I be if I didn't have criticism thrown at me left and right?! I'll survive. I'm actually glad she doesn't let me slide under the radar (not that I try to) because that's not what I'm here for. So, thank you Alexis! Lol

The article proved to be an interesting read too. I was hoping to get a quote from John, but he's out and about with his family on an Island somewhere, lol. He finally texted me back once I got back to my dorm. You snooze you loose buddy! Lol, no really, maybe next time!

Afterwards, I left the Grio, only to run into Demeshia (intentionally) and Ms. Reid (unintentional, UNINTENTIONAL lol). She informed me that MJ, (McJunkins) is in Jamaica with his students and that he's going to be competing with out group as far as the Facebook posts, blogging, pics etc...(zzzzzzz) Lol, I sleep on the idea that he thinks he can outdo us being that he's only going to be there for all of two weeks (yawn).  I MAY consider entertaining his measures...I don't know yet...

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