Saturday, July 21, 2012

New York City Day 42: Dark Knight Rises and Kyle Glover passes away

I'd like to sub title today as "Bitter Sweet Part II." I went to go see "The Dark Knight Rises" today. I could barely sit still during the screening of the movie; mainly because the movie had me over the egg of my seat, but also because I couldn't get the Colorado shooting out of my head. I just wasn't comfortable. When we got to the movies, there was a police officer standing in front of it. That was...there way of showing that they are trying to be more cautious now and day's I guess! I rather him have stood inside the movie theater, but you can't ask for too much in this life.

Demeshia and I

Throughout the movie, people kept getting up and walking around and it was making me uncomfortable. I tried not to over think thing's, but you have to be cautious now and days! All and all the movie was phenomenal! I mean, everything about that movie made me want to watch it over and over again! I laughed, got teary eyed, got nervous, got excited, I mean, I was overcome with all kind's of emotions! That's what a movie is suppose to do to you! I honestly can't compare it to "The Dark Knight" because they both were amazing in their own light. The Dark Knight was more comedic and had more action scenes, but The Dark Knight Rises was more emotional! It told an actual story. You went through many, many, many more emotions during this one. I mean, I will never forget it.

I always get sad when movies end, but I got really sad when this movie was over. I fear we won't see another one honestly. But movies are my passion. I mean, I love journalism, don't get me wrong, but I LOVE movies! Like, I could easily be a movie critic, honestly! I live to watch movies! I can watch them and would love to watch them all day honestly!

But in other sad news, Tameka Foster's stepson, Kyle Glover died earlier today. So sad! There were reports saying that he couldn't sustain the injuries. Then there were reports saying his heart just gave out. Then I read reports saying they just pulled the plug on him. I don't know what happened, we'll find out later on in life I assume. But again, he was an 11-year-old boy and was hit in the head by a jet ski, so all that really matters is that a mother lose her son. Hopefully this will be the last "Bitter Sweet" post I write for the remainder of my time here in New York.

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